Our Triples Gala on Sunday 9th July, organised and run by Annette, was a real success. Twenty Four teams entered so all six rinks were in use over 2 sessions.
A fine lunch, provided by Annette & Lorna, was enjoyed by all, refreshments throughout the day were supplied by Joyce, with Liz & Carol helping with cakes, while Dave ran a fabulous raffle.
Thanks go to Jack, Jeannie & Gordon for a lovely green to play on, as well as all those mentioned above, plus those that helped in any other way. Not forgetting our sponsor for the day, John Cox Plumbing.
Despite a downpour cutting proceedings short, a good day was had by all.
The winners were The Wizards lead by Shirley Suffling, runners up were Clive Underwood's Rippin Yarns.